Welcome to Williams Brothers Construction Co., Inc.

Mastering the Art of Construction for 70+ years

Who We Are

Largest highway contractor in the United States

Williams Brothers Construction Company is a Houston-based firm that was founded in 1955 by J.K. Williams, C.K. Williams and J.D. (Doug) Pitcock, Jr. In the following year, the Interstate Highway Act was signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Williams brothers were bought out in 1964 and 1984, respectively, leaving Doug Pitcock as the sole shareholder. Since 1998, the company has been in the process of converting to an employee-owned corporation.

  • check-icon Engineering Excellence
  • check-icon Innovation
  • check-icon Collaborative Approach
About Us
What We Do


We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional construction services tailored to meet the unique needs of each project. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to transforming visions into reality, whether it’s constructing resilient bridges, paving efficient roadways, or tackling specialized projects with precision and innovation. Explore our comprehensive range of services designed to build a better, safer, and more connected world.

Career Opportunites

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With Us!

We love working with the best. If you are good at what you do, have the experience and strong work ethic, apply with us now.

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Why Us

Hard Work
Leads to Success


Over 350 completed

We have completed more than 350 projects in our 60+ year history.


More than 2,000

Our team of more that 2,000 talented, hard-working individuals is dedicated to building a better Texas.



We operate 30+ concrete batch and pugmill plants, 600+ trucks and 800+ off-road construction equipment, all geared for efficiency.

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